On Sunday, July 30, 2017, the club’s members and guests enjoyed our annual BBQ & picnic at the Lone Pine Bonsai and Gardens in Sebastopol. Ian and Janet Price have hosted the club picnic at their home and gardens since the founding of Redwood Empire Bonsai Society (REBS) more than 30 years now. The weather in July can be very hot, but on picnic day it was cool and pleasant. The picnic afforded time to relax, socialize, enjoy good food and family recipes. Bob Shimon and Ned Lycett prepared BBQ tri-tip and chicken that is always outstanding.

There was time to observe the Price’s gardens and bonsai nursery. Also, it was a good time to shop for bonsai and that perfect accent plant.
The picnic comes every year about one month before REBS’ annual bonsai show. So, it was a good time to have a conversation about who is showing what, obtain member sale tags for selling bonsai related items and bring up the subject of show tree forms, which provide our club sensei Kathy Shaner with a photo and description of all the show trees to be put on display. There is still time to make your decision on which trees to display, which to sell or donate and complete the essential forms.
This year we have a board meeting and general meeting before the annual show. These will take place on August 22, 2017, from 6:30 – 7:30 PM and 7:30 – 9:30 PM, respectively. That is a good date to set as a deadline for completing and turning over your forms. By the way, Kathy Shaner will be the demonstrator on August 22, and available to answer any questions you might have about the annual show.
– George Haas