Due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions on in person gatherings, the REBS annual August 2020 Show was cancelled. The following back yard images are member bonsai. These bonsai are representative of the trees that would have been shown in the annual show.
A special thank you to the REBS members who contributed their bonsai images above.
Craig Thompson
Michael Murtaugh
Bob Shimon
Gene Lynch
Garth Gordon Hoka
Nancy Schramm
Ivan Luckrich
Alan Murakami
George Haas
Next year’s annual show hopefully will be the fourth weekend, 28 & 29 August 2021 at the Veteran’s Memorial Building, Santa Rosa, California.
Beautiful! Thanks so much to everyone for this inspiring show
Thanks George for doing this!
So loved seeing these images of all the
beloved bonsai ~ really needed to appreciate these beauties. Thank you for sending them in so we could enjoy them❣️